Checking your CPU Temperature periodically helps to ensure the smooth functioning of your device. This post will discuss the importance of CPU Temperature, Relation between RAM and CPU, and how to check & lower CPU temperature.

What is CPU?

The CPU, or Central Processing Unit, can be considered as the brain of a computer. CPU helps in data processing and helps in executing the instructions from the hardware and software. Without the CPU or with a malfunctioning CPU, the computer cannot work.

Intro to CPU Temperature

Fig. 1 – Introduction to CPU Temperature

The CPU is found embedded in the heart of a computer system, on the motherboard. It cannot be easily seen as it is hidden under a cooling system. It emits a lot of heat, and therefore it needs to be constantly cooled so that it maintains constant temperatures.

Why is CPU Temperature Important?

Monitoring CPU Temperature is a good practice that will certainly help in preventing considerable damage to your device. If the CPU gets overheated, your device can freeze, crash, or hang or you might encounter a Blue screen of Death (BSOD) error. Optimal CPU Temperatures vary depending on the Processor that you have.

Image of CPU Chip

Fig. 2 – Image of CPU Chip

Actual Temp of CPU

In an idle situation, when the computer or device is not being used, the temperature of the CPU is 50°C. When the device is being used, such as while playing a game or watching and downloading a video, the temperature rises, and then the CPU will need the help of its cooling system.

When the computer is performing complicated tasks, the temperature of the processor rises since it will need to consume more power. The processors for gaming laptops and SFF (Small Form Factor) computers run at a higher temperature than those of normal load CPUs. SFF computers are those designed to occupy the least possible space but have the same features and components that users need.

Overworked CPU (1)

Fig. 3 – Image of an Overworked CPU

The temperature of these processors could reach 80°C, a temperature which is acceptable under these conditions. You may have CPUs that try to go past the 80°C. However, any temperature higher than 90°C is critical. At this point, throttling begins. Throttling is when the clock speed slows down to ensure that the CPU does not overheat. It is likely that during throttling, the pc may turn off. It is good to check the temperature of the processor of your pc every couple of months, especially if you use your pc for intensive tasks like gaming. In fact, most CPUs come with inbuilt digital thermal sensors.

How to Check CPU Temp?

There are three ways to monitor CPU Temperature. They are:

  • Finding CPU Temperature using Applications
  • Check CPU Temperature through BIOS
  • Monitor CPU Temperature using Tools Provided by Manufacturers

Finding CPU Temp using Applications

The temperature of the CPU can be easily found by installing certain applications like Core Temp, SpeedFan, CPU-Z, HWiNFO, CPUIDHW Monitor. These applications are very helpful as they provide real-time information.

Temp using app

Fig.4 – Temperature of CPU Displayed on CPUIDHW Monitor

Check CPU Temp through BIOS

This is another method to keep a check on the processor temperature. You can follow the steps below to enter BIOS and view the required information. Click on the link BIOS (Basic Input Output System) – Functions, Configuration & Limitations ( to know more about BIOS.

  1. Restart the computer and hit the function keys to enter the BIOS setup screen. It can be F2, F10, Del, or F12 depending on your computer.
  2. Click on “Hardware Information” to view CPU Temperature. If you do not see the hardware information option, then you can click on “Power” which will display the temperature.

Processor Temp Displayed in BIOS

Fig. 5 – Processor Temp Displayed in BIOS

Monitoring CPU Temp using Tools

Several tools are provided by the manufacturer on their official website. The tools curated on the page are according to the “Motherboard model” of your computer. To know your systems motherboard model, you can:

  1. Click on search
  2. Enter cmd
  3. You will see Command Prompt window
  4. Type wmic baseboard get product, manufacturer
  5. Hit Enter
  6. Displays the required information.
  7. With this model number, you can search for tools on the official website and follow the instructions provided on the webpage.

Relation between RAM and CPU

About Random Access Memory

RAM is the Random-Access Memory of the computer. It is in fact one of the most important components of the computer since it determines its performance. RAM is important because it allows apps to store certain information so that the computer remembers it the next time the user needs it. The RAM must be compatible with your system.

Talking about RAM speed could be slightly misleading because how fast your RAM performs depends on several factors inside your computer. These factors include bandwidth, latency, DDR, and the speed of the CPU. Often when users speak about RAM speed, they mean RAM frequency. The frequency of RAM is measured in MHz. RAM does not handle command processes as the CPU does. In fact, RAM sends commands to the CPU, the CPU processes them and then RAM collects the information from the CPU.

Hence, if the memory of the computer is sending more commands to the processor, much more than the processor can handle, the CPU Temperature rises. If more RAM than necessary is installed in the computer and is not compatible with the clock speed of the CPU, the processor might be ruined. The clock speed is the rate at which the CPU can process data. So, if the CPU is given more data from an incompatible RAM, the clock speed is wrongly disturbed and the CPU will ultimately heat up.


Fig. 6 – Random Access Memory (RAM)

Detail about RAM and CPU Connection

To better understand the relation between RAM and CPU, let us think of the CPU as being an artist, an artist that has helpers and workers that will provide paint and paintbrushes as required. The workers are the RAM. It does not matter how fast the workers bring the stuff to the artist. The artist will paint at their own speed. The same goes for the CPU. If the RAM bombards the CPU with data and the processor cannot handle it, it will crash and freeze. Incompatible components in the computer will result in bad and sometimes even catastrophic situations.

It is therefore of dire importance to always ensure that upgrades in the system are compatible with each other. It is important to consult technicians in case of doubt so that you safeguard the proper functioning of your computer. Having higher RAM frequencies give better graphics but better performance also comes from a better working processor. In reality, both are interdependent, so compatibility is paramount.

How to Lower CPU Temperature?

To lower the temperature of the processor,

  • Keep the computer case and cables clean and free from dust.
  • Make sure the vents are not blocked and there is sufficient airflow.
  • If you feel the computer is several years old and overheating, then check the CPU cooler and fans.
  • Sometimes, a faulty power unit (PSU) also causes the CPU to get overheated.
  • Make sure the temperature of your workplace/ operating place is not on the higher side.
  • If none of the above works, then it’s advisable to contact a technician.
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