With new technological development, people have started Video Calls, a reliable method of communication to have face-to-face interaction.  Additionally, Video calls are helpful for other things also like online classes, business meetings, chatting with loved ones etc. In this article, you will learn What is a Video call, How it works, What is its Future, What are the Pros and Cons.


What is a Video Call?

A video call is the best one you can put when you have an internet connection on your mobile. It is also called the voip, which helps utilize video for transmitting a live picture of the person who makes the call. The users make video calls through a computer’s webcam, cameras, smartphones, tablets, and other phones that support video calls. Choosing the video call for your communication will help save your cost.


The video call is helpful for every individual on this earth to keep in touch with family and friends and always look at their faces through the video call. This video call can allow individuals to have face-to-face contact, offering huge advantages over traditional audio-only calls. It is the best way to communicate with everyone you cannot see and who is in some other place.

How Video Call works?

Many steps will be helpful for you if you are at the time to get valuable data about how the video call works. Here are the steps to clear your mind when you have doubts about it. They are:

  • The sender and receiver communicate face to face.
  • The sender has to put the video call for the receiver.
  • The receiver has to receive the call sent by the sender.
  • Audio-visual details are transformed into digital data and encrypted.
  • Audio and video are rearranged, compacted, and compressed.
  • At last, they have to end the call when their communication is over

These are the practical steps that can make you understand how the video call works between two members, the sender, and receiver. It will be helpful for you when you can effectively make the call.

Future of Video Call

Some potential directions that video calls may take in the future based on existing trends and possibilities are:

Enhanced Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Integration


Video calls could become more immersive through the integration of VR and AR technologies. Users might have the option to participate in video calls in virtual meeting spaces, allowing for more lifelike interactions and collaboration.


Holographic Video Calls


Advancements in holographic technology could lead to the development of holographic video calls, where participants appear as 3D holograms, providing a more realistic and engaging communication experience.

5G and Beyond

5G networks
5G networks

As 5G networks become more widespread, the quality of video calls is expected to improve significantly. Higher data transfer rates and lower latency will enable smoother, high-definition video calls with better clarity and reduced lag.

AI-Powered Enhancements

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence could play a crucial role in video calls, offering real-time language translation, noise cancellation, automatic transcription, and facial expression analysis to enhance communication and accessibility.

Multi-platform Integration

Multiple Platform Integration
Multiple Platform Integration

Video call platforms may become more interconnected, allowing users from different platforms to seamlessly communicate with each other without the need for additional software or logins.

Telepresence and Telemedicine

Telepresence and Telemedicine
Telepresence and Telemedicine

Video calls could continue to revolutionize telemedicine, enabling remote consultations and medical diagnostics with healthcare professionals across the globe.

Privacy and Security Improvements

Privacy and Security
Privacy and Security

With the increasing reliance on video calls for sensitive conversations, there will likely be a focus on enhancing encryption, privacy features, and security to protect users’ data and ensure confidentiality.

More Inclusive Technology


Efforts might be made to make video call technology more inclusive for individuals with disabilities, allowing for better accessibility features like sign language recognition or adaptive interfaces.

Integration with Internet of Things (IoT) Devices


Video calls could integrate with IoT devices, such as smart home hubs or wearables, making it easier for users to initiate calls and interact with others from various connected devices.

Social Integration

Social Integration
Social Integration

Video calls might be integrated more deeply into social media platforms, facilitating spontaneous and more informal interactions between friends, family, and followers.

Pros of Video Calling:

Following are few pros of Video Call

Face-to-Face Interaction

Face-to-face interaction is the first advantage you can gain by choosing the video call for your conversation process. It is because of the individuals who like to develop relationships and keep in touch for a long time. If you need to look at the opposite person’s face, can you use the video call to connect easily with your friends and relatives, and make you guys communicate?

Video call is famous in more sectors like colleges, offices, mobile users, and other working people. Video call has not replaced our introductory meetings in the company sector, but also, the video should never be deployed in personal time, and it would be a silly way to claim that particular video which could ever be a relief for them when they make use of the video call in their life.

Useful to establish Personal Relationships 

Video call is one of the best tools for establishing a personal relationship between two people sending and receiving a video call. The second benefit that can grow your connection to the next level is offering excellent face-to-face video communication with the person you like. Whenever you want to see a person, you can video call and interact with them.

The video call can also offer a more substantial and trusted relationship among the individuals. It can build a bond that makes you stay connected, build relationships with each of them, have a happy life, and share everything in the video call conversation.

Easy and Clear Conversation

If you make a video call for anyone close to your heart, you must make a video call. When you choose this video call, you can have clear conversation sessions and easily interact with the person who likes to spend their time happily.

The third advantage of using video calls is that it can make you interact or communicate easily with your relatives, friends, and other people. The conversation will be clear if you use the video call for your chatting ad. It is a good way for every person to make the video call and speak about more details.

Decrease Your Traveling Time

If you like sharing more feelings with close friends or relatives, you can make a video call. It will help you contact them directly face to face, and a better way to share everything with them is by having a continuous internet connection. The Video call can reduce the traveling time to have a trip to anyone’s house.

You can happily sit inside your home and then call your relatives, friends, and some other persons in your family. You need not have to travel a long distance to see anyone, and instead, you can use the video call for that, which will be the best way for your communication process.

Cons of a Video Calling

Following are few cons of Video Call

Technical Issues

Video calls heavily rely on stable internet connections and compatible devices. Poor network connectivity can lead to dropped calls, frozen screens, and audio lag, disrupting the conversation and causing frustration.

Bandwidth Consumption

Video calls can consume a significant amount of data, which can be an issue for users with limited internet plans or in areas with slow internet speeds.

Fatigue and Eye Strain

Prolonged video calls can lead to “Zoom fatigue” or “video call fatigue,” causing mental exhaustion and eye strain due to continuously staring at a screen and maintaining intense focus on participants.

Lack of Non-Verbal Cues

Video calls may not fully capture non-verbal cues and body language, leading to potential misunderstandings or misinterpretations during communication.


Participants in a video call may get distracted by their surroundings, other apps on their devices, or notifications, which can negatively impact the quality and focus of the conversation.

Inclusive Challenges

Video calls may not be accessible for individuals with certain disabilities, such as hearing impairments or those who rely on sign language for communication.

Privacy and Security Concerns

Video calls can be vulnerable to privacy breaches and hacking attempts, especially if proper security measures are not in place.

Dependency on Technology

Relying heavily on video calls for communication may reduce face-to-face interactions, potentially leading to a sense of isolation or disconnect from real-life social interactions.

Time Zone Differences

Coordinating video calls across different time zones can be challenging, leading to scheduling conflicts and difficulties in finding mutually convenient times.

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Facetime – Working, Features, How to use Android With Facetime
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